November 2015
NOTE: More Grand Marais scenes are posted often on my blog at and on my main personal Facebook page at . I also post agate photos, shared mostly from various Facebook rockhounding sites, to the museum’s Facebook page at
For this webpage update, I have selected some of my favorite pictures that I took in the Grand Marais area between July and early November of this year.
Those of you who have followed my webpage and my blog know that I love being in the right place to take photos of animals in nature. During a hike in the western part of Grand Sable Dunes, a friend of mine spotted the snowy owl shown below.

I also take many pictures of Lake Superior sunsets. One that I took late summer is below.

In early September I went on a hike with friends in the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. We hiked the Chapel Loop, which is around 9.4 miles long. Two photos are below.
This past two years we have seen a considerable amount of erosion on the local beaches. It is difficult now to walk west of Grand Marais to the Sable River. Also, my favorite agate hunting beach east of town is no longer accessible. A photo of the bluff is shown below.

The fierce storms and the waves that result are responsible for the erosion. A series of three photos I took of the lighthouse at the end of the breakwall document some of these waves.
This has been the warmest and most beautiful fall since I moved to Grand Marais in 1994. Below are a few of the fall photos.
Below is another fall photo of Sable Falls.

Of course I have to include a couple fall photos of Sable Lake and one of the Grand Sable Dunes.
Grand Marais Scenes Archive
May 2007 Grand Marais Scenes
June 2007 Grand Marais Scenes
July 2007 Grand Marais Scenes
August 2007 Grand Marais Scenes
December 2007 Grand Marais Scenes
January 2008 Grand Marais Scenes
February 2008 Grand Marais Scenes
March 2008 Grand Marais Scenes
April 2008 Grand Marais Scenes
May 2008 Grand Marais Scenes
June 2008 Grand Marais Scenes
Summer 2008 Grand Marais Scenes
September 2008 Grand Marais Scenes
October 2008 Grand Marais Scenes
November 2008 Grand Marais Scenes
December 2008 Grand Marais Scenes
January 2009 Grand Marais Scenes
February 2009 Grand Marais Scenes
March 2009 Grand Marais Scenes
Spring 2009 Grand Marais Scenes
July 2009 Grand Marais Scenes
August 2009 Grand Marais Scenes
September 2009 Grand Marais Scenes
Fall 2009 Grand Marais Scenes
February 2010 Grand Marais Scenes
April 2010 Grand Marais Scenes
April/May 2010 Grand Marais Scenes
June 2010 Grand Marais Scenes
July 2010 Grand Marais Scenes
August/September 2010 Grand Marais Scenes
Fall 2010 Grand Marais Scenes
Winter 2011 Grand Marais Scenes
Spring 2011 Grand Marais Scenes
September 2011 Grand Marais Scenes
January 2012 Grand Marais Scenes
March 2012 Grand Marais Scenes
June 2012 Grand Marais Scenes
September 2012 Grand Marais Scenes
March 2013 Grand Marais Scenes
August 2013 Grand Marais Scenes
November 2013 Grand Marais Scenes
April 2014 Grand Marais Scenes
September 2014 Grand Marais Scenes
February 2015 Grand Marais Scenes
June 2015 Grand Marais Scenes
November 2015 Grand Marais Scenes
June 2016 Grand Marais Scenes
March 2017 Grand Marais Scenes
July 2017 Grand Marais Scenes
December 2017 Grand Marais Scenes
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Gitche Gumee Museum.
E21739 Brazel Street
Grand Marais, Michigan 49839