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February 2008

This has certainly been an “old fashioned” winter. There has been one blizzard after another. It is a good thing that I am a cross-country skier who enjoys being outside in the winter. For if not, I would have missed just how beautiful the winter has been. One of the blizzards blew for over 30 hours with winds up to 66 mph (measured at the light house at the end of the breakwater), and a chill factor of 45 degrees below zero. The blizzard was so intense, that it completely coated the branches of the evergreens. Pictured below are two of my ski friends, Dianna Bell and Sandee Sibald on the backside of Trail B in the national park.

Grand Marais Ski Scene

The great amount of snow has started to pile up on shore. Last weekend, a few of us skied in the School Forest out to Goebel Beach. There are three distinct rows of icebergs. Some of the bergs appear to be around 30 feet tall! With much more of winter to go, it is going to be fun watching the icebergs grow.

Beach in Grand Marais in February

Although I prefer to ski, one nice thing about snowshoeing is that you often come across scenes with snow that has not yet been walked on. This is a shot I took of the bridge that is across Sable Creek between Sable Falls and the sand dunes, on the way to the Ghost Forest.

Ghost Forest Bridge

While skiing my property late one night, I experimented with taking pictures of icicles hanging off my house.

Grand Marais Icicles

Grand Marais Scenes Archive

May 2007 Grand Marais Scenes

June 2007 Grand Marais Scenes

July 2007 Grand Marais Scenes

August 2007 Grand Marais Scenes

December 2007 Grand Marais Scenes

January 2008 Grand Marais Scenes

February 2008 Grand Marais Scenes

March 2008 Grand Marais Scenes

April 2008 Grand Marais Scenes

May 2008 Grand Marais Scenes

June 2008 Grand Marais Scenes

Summer 2008 Grand Marais Scenes

September 2008 Grand Marais Scenes

October 2008 Grand Marais Scenes

November 2008 Grand Marais Scenes

December 2008 Grand Marais Scenes

January 2009 Grand Marais Scenes

February 2009 Grand Marais Scenes

March 2009 Grand Marais Scenes

Spring 2009 Grand Marais Scenes

July 2009 Grand Marais Scenes

August 2009 Grand Marais Scenes

September 2009 Grand Marais Scenes

Fall 2009 Grand Marais Scenes

February 2010 Grand Marais Scenes

April 2010 Grand Marais Scenes

April/May 2010 Grand Marais Scenes

June 2010 Grand Marais Scenes

July 2010 Grand Marais Scenes

August/September 2010 Grand Marais Scenes

Fall 2010 Grand Marais Scenes

Winter 2011 Grand Marais Scenes

Spring 2011 Grand Marais Scenes

September 2011 Grand Marais Scenes

January 2012 Grand Marais Scenes

March 2012 Grand Marais Scenes

June 2012 Grand Marais Scenes

September 2012 Grand Marais Scenes

March 2013 Grand Marais Scenes

August 2013 Grand Marais Scenes

November 2013 Grand Marais Scenes

April 2014 Grand Marais Scenes

September 2014 Grand Marais Scenes

February 2015 Grand Marais Scenes

June 2015 Grand Marais Scenes

November 2015 Grand Marais Scenes

June 2016 Grand Marais Scenes

March 2017 Grand Marais Scenes

July 2017 Grand Marais Scenes

December 2017 Grand Marais Scenes

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Gitche Gumee Museum.
E21739 Brazel Street
Grand Marais, Michigan 49839


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