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May 2007 Scenes

Each monthly update will include recent photos. Usually, these are photos from the Grand Marais area. In most cases, the photos will be those taken from the previous month. For example, the May update includes April photos.

April Beach IceAs the ice melted quickly in April, we headed down to the beach to search the first rock piles for the elusive Lake Superior Agate.
Grand Marais BeachThanks to several warm days in April this year, most of the snow melted in less than two weeks. This short melt-time allowed the icebergs to deposit their load of rocks without the opportunity for Spring storm rip currents to return the rocks to the lake. This may be a great year in Grand Marais to rockhound on the beach!
Grand Marias RainbowThe dynamic nature of spring weather in Grand Marais can present us with rainbows. It is often though that one forms right over the bay.
April Sable FallsJust as the majority of the snow melted, this picture was taken to document near-peak flow. Notice the slopes coated in sand deposited from the melted snow

Grand Marais Scenes Archive

May 2007 Grand Marais Scenes

June 2007 Grand Marais Scenes

July 2007 Grand Marais Scenes

August 2007 Grand Marais Scenes

December 2007 Grand Marais Scenes

January 2008 Grand Marais Scenes

February 2008 Grand Marais Scenes

March 2008 Grand Marais Scenes

April 2008 Grand Marais Scenes

May 2008 Grand Marais Scenes

June 2008 Grand Marais Scenes

Summer 2008 Grand Marais Scenes

September 2008 Grand Marais Scenes

October 2008 Grand Marais Scenes

November 2008 Grand Marais Scenes

December 2008 Grand Marais Scenes

January 2009 Grand Marais Scenes

February 2009 Grand Marais Scenes

March 2009 Grand Marais Scenes

Spring 2009 Grand Marais Scenes

July 2009 Grand Marais Scenes

August 2009 Grand Marais Scenes

September 2009 Grand Marais Scenes

Fall 2009 Grand Marais Scenes

February 2010 Grand Marais Scenes

April 2010 Grand Marais Scenes

April/May 2010 Grand Marais Scenes

June 2010 Grand Marais Scenes

July 2010 Grand Marais Scenes

August/September 2010 Grand Marais Scenes

Fall 2010 Grand Marais Scenes

Winter 2011 Grand Marais Scenes

Spring 2011 Grand Marais Scenes

September 2011 Grand Marais Scenes

January 2012 Grand Marais Scenes

March 2012 Grand Marais Scenes

June 2012 Grand Marais Scenes

September 2012 Grand Marais Scenes

March 2013 Grand Marais Scenes

August 2013 Grand Marais Scenes

November 2013 Grand Marais Scenes

April 2014 Grand Marais Scenes

September 2014 Grand Marais Scenes

February 2015 Grand Marais Scenes

June 2015 Grand Marais Scenes

November 2015 Grand Marais Scenes

June 2016 Grand Marais Scenes

March 2017 Grand Marais Scenes

July 2017 Grand Marais Scenes

December 2017 Grand Marais Scenes

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Gitche Gumee Museum.
E21739 Brazel Street
Grand Marais, Michigan 49839


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