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August 2009

On July 25th there was a lot happening in Grand Marais. At noon, the historical society had a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Post Office Museum. This unique 5-sided building served as the Grand Marais post office for many decades. The building was moved from its original site to Main Street last year, and has now been restored. Grand Marais has had a post office since 1882. The front section honors the postmasters who have served Grand Marais, including Elfreda Mulligan who served for 40 years, beginning in 1917. Although it has not been definitely proven, the historical society reports that she may have been the longest serving postmaster in the country.

The rear of the post office has been turned into a historical display, with information and graphics describing the history of Grand Marais.

I would like to congratulate the historical society for a job well done!

Post Office MuseumPostmaster List
MulliganMulligan Text
Post Office Grand Opening

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Gitche Gumee Museum.
E21739 Brazel Street
Grand Marais, Michigan 49839


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