Since I was not in town for half of July, I have fewer customer agate find pictures. There are a couple, though. Actually, the first specimen is one that email pictures were sent to me by Dana Maudel, from McGregor, MN. She said in the email that her boyfriend found this specimen. I emailed back to ask more questions about the weight and location, but did not receive a response. It is unusual and remarkable enough, that I am going it include it in this month’s web page update. It is quite large, over 10 pounds. It appears to have unusual tubes running down the side of the specimen. Has anyone ever seen anything like this before?

The second agate is one found in the Grand Marais area by Michael Webb from Dearborn, MI. He brought it in during Festival Weekend, but I forgot to take a picture of Michael holding the agate. He asked me to face polish the agate and mail it back to him. It is extremely translucent with the carnelian fortification pattern along with various inclusions. Nice agate!

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