Although September has still been busy with shows and custom orders, I have continued to hike in the dunes as much as possible. The goal this hiking season is to walk on all of the ridges in the dunes and with the hike yesterday, that goal has been completed. Next year, I want to try to walk and follow the original telegraph line from Grand Marais to Au Sable Lighthouse. In my various hikes, I have seen dozens of telegraph poles: some of which are still standing. Most of them, however, have fallen after more than a hundred years of blowing and shifting sand. Below are a couple of pictures of two of the poles I found yesterday as well as a shot of Au Sable Point taken from the middle of the dunes.

Depending on where you are in the U.P., fall colors are really starting to pop. There seems to be a lot of red this year. Below are a couple of shots taken of and near Taquanamon Falls. For those of you who have not been there, it is located an hour an a half east of Grand Marais.


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