Current Grand Marais Scenes August 2018

This web page update covers from late April through the beginning of August.  We experienced a late winter storm in April, so there was still some ice hugging the Lake Superior shoreline.

While visiting Sable Falls with friends, we noticed a failed attempt by beavers to fall a tree.

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In the spring the deer are hungry.  When the snow starts melting in town and the grass shows through, the deer munch away.

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One of my favorite things about spring is the blooming of the trilliums.  My favorite spot to check out the trilliums is the trail between the Sable Visitor’s Center and Sable Falls.

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Once all the shore ice melts, it is always great to see the rocks along the shoreline.  This year we have more rocks on the beach than we have had for the last few years.

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One night this summer I walked out to the breakwall to enjoy the sunset.  Several people were fishing, others were walking the breakwall to enjoy the beautiful evening, and a freighter went by Grand Marais.

Although I have not gone on very many hikes this summer due to my busy schedule, I did go on one hike on the Masse Homestead trail in the PRNL.  The forest seemed healthy and happy.

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